about birkim

Awww, look at you coming to have a wee look/stalk at who I am.

I'm Kim, the weird bag lady behind the business. I’ve recently decided to switch my business back to being my hobby, instead of my full-time career. I love being able to make things that’ll be in your homes for a long time, but it’s important I enjoy what I do, so not having the financial pressure of running a business, gives me the slack to do so.

Now a lot of people either immediately know the connection of my name to the business, but it can also take some a while to figure it out. Most don't realise that it's also 2/3's of my name jumbled. Kim - Ber = BirKim :-)

If you're not sure on the other reference: click here. You're welcome.

As for the history of me, there's a lot of it so i'll give you some highlights:

  • I have a habit of getting last minute tattoos abroad
  • I'm a qualified Nail Technician and make my own nail decals
  • I'm profoundly deaf - I’m very good at lip reading.
  • Seth Rogen has one of my vases and I have one of his.

Inspired by the urge to use a block of clay I had lying around, and the need to create something fun, occasionally offensive and different. Birkim Bags was born.

There is something great about the style and design on plastic bags, although their single use consumption is a massive issue so I wanted to make something that would have pride of place in homes and create conversations.

They started as air dry, but I really wanted to create something that was functional as well as decorative. I’ve taught myself ceramics over the past few years, with some help from amazing studios in London.

I’ve since been commissioned by the V&A, collaborated with Nando’s & Mai Accents and also been exhibited as part of the Royal Scottish Academy Annual Exhibition.

In early 2022, I was fortunate enough to be able to build my own studio at our home in Scotland. This gives me an awesome space to be more creative. It’s also super convenient to walk down the garden to check on things or if inspiration hits at the last minute.

The business is my happy place, so I’m working on ways to ensure it stays that way. 

A picture of Kim, sat at a table resting her face on one hand, with the other on the table. There is a fuckoffee cup and a tote vase with a stunning plant in, also on the table. Kim is wearing a jumper with bananas on and is smiling.

Image by Ellie Morag, taken at The Delicate Rebellion studio.